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Heavyweight Champ: Vacant
#1  Mississippi Madman
#2  Sage Ramsey
#3  Cowboy Bob Orton jr
#4  Adam Evans
#5  Doink the Clown
#6  Joey Grunge
#7  Wicked
#8  Johnny Greenpeace
#9  Symon Phoenix
#10 Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
OSWA Tag Team Champions: VACANT
#1  The Animals
#2  Ice & Fire
#3  The Urban Horsemen
#4  Lumberjacks
#5  Nightmare Express
No Limits Champion: VACANT
#1  Kris Synz
#2  Gravedigger
#3  Johnny Greenpeace
#4  Symon Phoenix
#5  Twisted
OSWA Jr. Heavyweight Champ: VACANT
#1  Diego Corleone
#2  Adam Evans
#3 "Young Gun" Brandon Keith
#4 "Latin Lover" Tony Rican 
#5  Jason Hades