

"The Atomic Dogg" Steve Sharp,,,, 6 FT 3 @
270lbs, BodyBuilder and Competitive Power lifter... Trained by : Harley Race and WCW'S POWERPLANT Titles held: Harley Race's
1st WLW Champion beating Greg "The Hammer" Valintine for the title which led to many matches between the two wrestlers.. On
top of matches with Trevor Murdock of WWE... Wild Bill Ashes' ACW Champion beating The One Man Gang for the Title.. In ACW
The Dogg had fueds with many top stars including: Hacksaw Butch Reed , King Mable aka VISERA of WWE, & Doink the Clown.
Randy Hales' Memphis Power Pro wrestling Champion beating Steve Bradley for the Title. The Dogg now being called ALI wrestled
some of the greats in the bizz: Koko B. Ware, Tracy Smothers , Moe of Men on Mission, Seven aka Kevin Thorn of ECW , and many
of the WWE trainess from OVW.. He also tagged with Superstar Kurt Angle. In 2000 The Dogg was picked up by WCW and trained
and the Power Plant before making his TV debut on Sat Night Main Event againt The Natural Born Thrillers, and WCW star and
fromer champion Mike Awsome.. Now returning to the ring in 2007 , The Dogg starts Big going back to WLW in matches with ROH
Champion and Japan superstar Takeshi MORISHIMA .. Dogg is also half of the largest tag team in pro-wrestling, 700lb Mass destruction
the largest and strongest tag team since the WWF's Natural Disasters tag team from the 90's.. Mass Destruction: The Atomic
Dogg 270lbs and The Mississippi Madman 425lbs , promises to make waves in the pro-wrestling world very very soon.....

