
Adam Evans
Adrian Steel
Amish Warrior
Bad Brad Elliott
The Barbarian
Big Daddy
"Cowboy" Bob Orton
Brahm Troupe
Brandon Espinosa
"The Young Gun" Brandon Keith
"The Hardcaore God" Chaos
D'Lo Brown
Diego Corleone
Doink the Clown
"Future" Brian Ladd
Gary "Nightrain" Jackson
Greg "The Hammer" Valentine
Hardcore Craig
"Bloody" Harker Dirge
Issan Hadeev
Jake "The Snake" Roberts





Jason Hades
Joey Grunge
Johnny Boland
Johnny Greenpeace
Kamala The Ugandan Giant
Karcass Stillborne
Kris Synz
Marion Fontaine
Mississippi Madman
Rodney Mack
Sage Ramsey
Sean Chambers
"Homicidal" Steven Davis
Steve Montana
"Atomic Dogg" Steve Sharp
"Metal Head" Steve Stone
"Dr Death" Steve Williams
Symon Phoenix
"Latin Lover" Tony Rican
Wicked and Lil' Evil
"The Predator" Xander Frost
Zach Gowen





Tag Teams
American History Next
The Animals
New Age Bodily Harm
Nightmare Xpress
Christie Summers
Lovely Lacey
Malia Hosaka
Missy Hyatt
Carley Rae
Chad Tally
Shad Tally

